Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rant of A Restaurant Employee Post #1 - The Salmonella Egg Scare

If there's ever been a good enough reason for me to start a blog, it's to chronicle the crap-tastic things that happen to us faithful, hard working servants of the food industry. Waiters get a shit-ton of flak from whiney, greedy, selfish customers (American and foreign) and it's high time I start to list off the unwaivering evidence of their ignorance.

The highlight of this post: The Salmonella Egg Scare.

I didn't even realize this was an issue lately. Supposedly there's been a recall of a number of brands of eggs that have gotten a number of people sick in the last few days across the nation.
Since I don't watch TV (except for decent shows, like Mad Men, Dirty Jobs, and the Daily Show/Colbert Report) I first found out of this even being a problem by one of my customers.

"So, how's your Salmonella situation?"
"....What situation?" I replied.
"Have you guys been having a problem with your eggs?"

Well....Gee... I don't know. But lets ask the 200 other guests in our restaurant, and the 600 other guests who have come in to eat here in the last 3 days, if they seem to think there's a problem with our eggs. Survey says?....Oh wait, they can't talk. Everyone around you has their faces stuffed with our omelettes.


First, if you were really so concerned about the salmonella problem and worried there might be the potential to get it from our restaurant, you should have probably called ahead before sitting your fat ass down in my seat. I'd gladly have given it to another customer who's immune system and intellect prevent him for giving a shit.

Second, are you trying to prove to your floozy girlfriend that you're some sort of braniac who's on top of his current events? Are you some sort of self-righteous egotist who loves to prove that he can check his RSS feed on his iPhone to help him keep an edge on life?

Please. Sweet. Jesus. Before you ask another question like that, sir, look around you. If you had two eyes and a brain and a sixth grade education, you could clearly see that on this lovely Sunday afternoon you chose to come to our dining establishment NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO CARE. So what are you trying to prove to ask this question? That you are concerned for your health and wellbeing? Who isn't? And if so, I refer you back to my previous statement: call ahead. Don't sound like a typical paranoid American who gives in to the media's scare tactics to generate viewership. Use your brain, or whatever is left that reality television and porn haven't seriously destroyed. Becuase ultimately, what does it matter if you do get salmonella? You'll be sick, and your immune system is nature's way of saying "Fuck you disease" and will kick it to the curb.

Have some faith in yourself--in your instincts--and don't just repeat everything you hear. Save us all the wasted energy of pretending to care about your problems.

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